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Moral hedonism or shallow eudaimonism, which suggest choosing pleasure for its own sake without considering its impact on others, only hold value when contrasted with the pragmatic demands placed upon us.

However, they rest on the same flawed, pseudo-rational foundations.

Ancient hedonism, on the other hand, has wisdom to offer in a culture increasingly dominated by chronic dissatisfaction, where we struggle to distinguish between different types of pleasure, including the aesthetic experiences of our bodies and surroundings.

Additionally, our readiness to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others has become the norm. In this context, engaging in activities solely for the purpose of enjoying our bodies becomes a political act in a capitalist society that defines our worth based on what we possess and produce, including our bodies. It challenges the dehumanizing ethics of modern asceticism and nurtures our bodily experiences of feeling, moving, and communicating, which are essential for finding joy in our social and natural environments.

Namaste, my friends 🙂