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10print Book
«  Code is not purely abstract and mathematical; it
has significant social, political, and aesthetic dimensions. The way in which code connects to culture, affecting it and being influenced by it, can be traced by examining the specifics of programs by reading the code itself attentively  »

Coding Freedom, the Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking
« Hacking, then, is animated by a rich ethical life that is as much a part of hacking as is the act of coding itself »

The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit
« Each time we enter into a program, we open ourselves to the imprint of a new machine »

Technopolice : La surveillance policière à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle
« L‘espace public urbain est placé sous contrôle sécuritaire, sous l’égide d’un État à l’autoritarisme toujours plus assumé et d’un capitalisme de surveillance aux commandes des politiques publiques  »

L’utopie déchue: Contre-histoire d’internet du XVè siècle à nos jours
« Cet ouvrage peut se lire comme une méditation sur l’utopie, les raisons de nos échecs passés et les conditions de l’invention de pratiques subversives. »

Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
UNESCO’s first-ever global standard on AI ethics

On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?
« How big is too big? What are the possible risks associated with this technology and what paths are available for mitigating those risks?»

You’re Doing It Wrong: Notes on Criticism and Technology Hype

« The media landscape is full of dramatic claims about how technologies, such as “AI,” self-driving cars, genetic engineering, the “sharing economy,” blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, will lead to massive societal shifts in the near-future.  »